Zoi-Zoi is the female kitten of red ticked color (d 25) | CoolShade

Zoi-Zoi CoolShade

Sex: Girl
Date of birth: 13.02.2020
Dad: GRAND INT.CH.RU*UNICUM M’TAMERLAN (d 09 (25) “red solid with white (gen.ticked)” &
Mom: TAINA COOLSHADE – (d 22 “red classic tabby”)
Color: d 25 (“red ticked tabby”)

Zoi-Zoi CoolShade- 11 weeks
Zoi-Zoi CoolShade- 11 weeks


Zoi-Zoi CoolShade- 11 weeks
Zoi-Zoi CoolShade- 11 weeks


Zoi-Zoi CoolShade- 11 weeks
Zoi-Zoi CoolShade- 11 weeks